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/ Shareware Universe - The Gold Collection / Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso / business / filexprs / fe51a.pak

Jump To: Image (1)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (35)

Images (1)

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BIRTHDAY.DTA Text File 21 7KB 1992-06-05
BIRTHDAY.HDR Text File 49 326b 1992-06-01
BIRTHDAY.LRA Text File 1 4b 1992-07-28
FE5.OVL Text File 2 56b 1992-06-12
TUTORIAL.DTA Text File 21 7KB 1992-06-05
TUTORIAL.HDR Text File 79 551b 1992-06-01

Other Files (35)
EMSCHECK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1992-06-12
FE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 352KB 1992-06-12
ASCII.PDF Expressware Printer Definition File 110b 1992-06-12
BIRTHDAY.IXH File Express Index Header 1KB 1992-07-28
BIRTHDAY.QSS File Express Quick Scan 4KB 1992-07-28
BIRTHDAY.SCR All Null Bytes 2b 1992-06-01
DEFAULT.PDF Expressware Printer Definition File 133b 1992-06-12
FE.PIF Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1992-06-12
TUTORIAL.IXH File Express Index Header 1KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.QSS File Express Quick Scan 4KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.SCR All Null Bytes 2b 1992-06-01
BIRTHDAY.IX1 Unknown 1KB 1992-07-28
BIRTHDAY.IX6 Unknown 370b 1992-07-28
BIRTHDAY.R0 Unknown 4KB 1992-03-25
BIRTHDAY.S0 Unknown 2KB 1992-06-01
FE5.HLI Unknown 4KB 1992-06-12
FE5.HLP Unknown 232KB 1992-06-12
TUTORIAL.D0 Unknown 2KB 1992-06-12
TUTORIAL.IX1 Unknown 3KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.IX2 Unknown 2KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.IX3 Unknown 5KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.IX4 Unknown 1KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.IX6 Unknown 681b 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.KEY Unknown 449b 1992-03-25
TUTORIAL.L0 Unknown 3KB 1992-03-25
TUTORIAL.L2 Unknown 3KB 1992-06-12
TUTORIAL.LRA Unknown 4b 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.QLB Unknown 20b 1992-03-25
TUTORIAL.R0 Unknown 4KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.R1 Unknown 4KB 1992-03-25
TUTORIAL.R2 Unknown 3KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.R3 Unknown 4KB 1992-07-28
TUTORIAL.R4 Unknown 5KB 1992-06-12
TUTORIAL.S0 Unknown 3KB 1992-06-01
TUTORIAL.S1 Unknown 3KB 1992-06-01